Film title
Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds
Based on the famous novel ‘The Three Musketeers’ and set in the 17th century, this swashbuckling animated escapade follows the character of Dogtanian. An optimistic young pup eager for adventure, he travels to the grand city of Paris and hopes to fulfill his dream of becoming a Muskehound, one of the protectors of the King. Meanwhile, the evil cardinal is trying to start a war between France and England so he can assert more power over Europe and Paris is becoming more fractured by the day. With nobody else to save the day Dogtanian, and his newfound friends, talented swordsmen the Three Muskehounds, set out to make sure the King is safe and the region is kept free from the Cardinal’s evil schemes. Light and breezy with strong themes of friendship, this historical animation is suited for young viewers whilst also giving an insight into European history.