Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
81 minutes
Comedy, Drama, Romance
Spanish (English subtitles)
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Valentin is an eight-year-old boy raised by his grandmother who dreams of becoming an astronaut in this tender-hearted Spanish-language drama, set in 1960s Buenos Aires. He misses his parents: a mother he hasn't seen since he was three and a womanising father who's seemingly more concerned with looking after his own interests than supporting his family. Despite being near-sighted, Valentin does what he can to pursue his dream of working for NASA, such as walking around in heavy shoes to simulate zero gravity.
Explorers is an inventive, sophisticated fantasy adventure in which two kids build their own space craft in a suburban garage.
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A small, rather hopeless looking robot is left alone on Earth to clean up the mess left by humans, in this wonderful Pixar animation.
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This heart-warming family favourite about an alien stranded all alone on earth contains some of the most magical scenes in movie history.
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