Into Film Clubs
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83 minutes
Documentary, Sport
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It was hailed as the tennis match of the century: in 1973, 55-year-old avowed chauvinist (and former Wimbledon champion) Bobby Riggs met 29-year-old renowned feminist (and current Wimbledon champion) Billie Jean King for a winner-takes-all showdown in front of a global TV audience. The mismatched match is entertaining enough, but this gripping documentary also delves into the social background to that day in September, illustrating just how hard it had been for female athletes to win a fraction of the recognition, respect and earnings enjoyed by their male peers. A compelling slice of social history with all the drama of centre court.
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Feel good British comedy following Jessminder and Jules whose shared passion for football brings them together in a local girls' team.
Documentary about the kidnapping of nine Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich by a Palestinian terrorist group.
Fascinating documentary about the famous "Rumble in the Jungle" boxing match in Zaire, which also sheds light on Muhammad Ali's enduring appeal.
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