Carlitos y el campo de los sueños (Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime)

Carlitos y el campo de los sueños (Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime)
Carlitos y el campo de los sueños (Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime)

Film Details




107 minutes


Comedy, Family




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Carlitos has two goals – the first being to find a family that will adopt him and the second, to play football for the Spanish national team. Unfortunately when prospective parents visit the orphanage he and his friend’s football antics go wrong, causing the stern orphanage director to lock up all the balls. Determined to play, Carlitos and his friends hatch a plan to get him out of the building to local football trials where he learns there is much more to playing than just having the skills.


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PG Classification

This film has not been certificated by the BBFC. Into Film suggest it is the equivalent of a PG suitable for ages 7+. Very mild sexual references.

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