Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
114 minutes
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Riggan Thompson is an ageing movie-star who has never been able to shake off his most famous role from twenty years ago, that of the superhero Birdman. In an attempt to revive his career, Thompson decides to stage his own Broadway production, an audacious adaptation of a Raymond Carver short story. Unfortunately, the looming presence of his alter-ego is never far away, causing Thompson to experience increasingly bizarre hallucinations. This technically dazzling film is shot in a series of extremely long takes. An odd but ambitious production, the film is a riveting back-stage drama, an hilarious tragi-comedy and a fascinating portrait of contemporary New York, social media, cinema itself and much more.
Bizarre but brilliant existential tale of a hypochondriac playwright whose art begins to imitate life on a very grand scale indeed.
Michael Keaton is Batman and Jack Nicholson is The Joker in this movie version that reclaimed Batman's brooding menace after the camp 60s TV show.
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Pitch-black satire about an ambitious young actress hoisting herself up the showbusiness ladder.
Bleak drama about a man silently suffering with a terminal disease while trying to reconcile with his unhinged and unpredictable ex-wife.
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