The Report

The Report
The Report

Film Details




120 minutes


Based on a true story, Drama




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Upon learning of a controversial CIA Detention and Interrogation Program, Senator Dianne Feinstein tasks idealistic staffer Daniel J. Jones with leading an investigation into the practice. Jones’ pursuit of the truth in the years following 9/11 results in him uncovering dark secrets about the CIA’s program, such as the continued use of torture techniques in the interrogations despite their lack of results, led by two psychologists despite their lack of a real-world experience in this area. As Jones becomes increasingly shocked by his findings, he soon comes up against further pressures and barriers which threaten the status of his report, and he must fight to get it released. Based on a 2007 Vanity Fair article, this extraordinary true story – influenced by the conspiracy thrillers of the 1970s – provides a crucial insight into a landmark moment in modern politics.

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15 Classification

Scenes of torture, strong language.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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