Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
113 minutes
Drama, Romance
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Maggie is the personal assistant to the legendary R&B singer Grace Davis. As an aspiring music producer Maggie is driven by her love of music but her role leaves her with no time to work on her craft. Davis, who is grandiose and demanding, has not released music in a decade and is being pressured by her manager to modernise her sound to attract a new audience. When Maggie plays Davis a different cut of her song that is closer to her musical identity, an opportunity arises for the two to work together. However, this is not a simple task as two women in the music industry who must navigate work contracts and expectations based on their gender, race and age. This enjoyable drama offers insight into the hurdles placed on women within the music industry while also emphasizing the role of creativity and collaboration.
Musical set in the 1960s about a fictional girl group and their rise to fame and fortune.
Ambitious journalist Andy faces tough personal choices after landing a job as assistant to the ruthless editor of a top fashion mag, based on Vogue.
A warm and funny tale of four sisters whose dream to make it in the music industry is helped by boozy Irish talent scout Dave.
A young woman struggles to balance the responsibilities of motherhood with her dream of becoming a country singer.
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