

Film Details




80 minutes


Comedy, Coming of Age, Period and Historical




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Teenager Cappo has recently returned to his home borough of North London for the winter holidays after his first semester at university. His friends, Two Tonne and Kidda, have been hard at work on their pirate radio station, preparing for their careers as world-famous DJs but Cappo has plans to move into a more academic career. Faced with the proposition of telling them he cannot be their manager any more, he nevertheless agrees to one more night of partying as the trio try to score tickets to the biggest celebration in the city. As the friends traverse the pitfalls of romance, growing up and their ever-evolving friendship, they must also navigate the treacherous streets of both North and South London in their quest to enter the new millennium in style. Youth-focused and straight from the heart, this British period comedy is full of memorable characters on the cusp of adulthood.

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15 Classification

strong language, sex references, drug misuse

Find out more on the BBFC website

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