Snow White

Snow White
Snow White

Film Details




109 minutes


Family, Musicals




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In a faraway land, a newborn princess survives a snowstorm, and thus her parents name her Snow White. As she grows up, she learns from her father that a leader should be fearless, fair, brave and true. But when the king dies, Snow White’s stepmother steps onto the throne and changes everything. The Evil Queen has a magic mirror, which tells her Snow White is fairer than her, and the jealous queen sets out to destroy the princess. Fleeing into the woods, Snow White is welcomed by many friendly animals and seven hard-working dwarves. But can she restore fairness to her kingdom? This Disney live-action remake sees Snow White stand up for herself and for her people like never before, while paying homage to the childlike wonder and magic of the classic 1937 animation.


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In Cinema

This film is currently on release in cinemas. If you would like it to be available on Into Film+ in the future, let us know. Find out more.

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PG Classification

mild violence, scary scenes, injury detail

Find out more on the BBFC website

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