Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
111 minutes
Drama, Period and Historical
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Joe and Kate Ruttledge are a married couple adapting to rural life in the sparsely populated Irish community of County Leitrim where Joe grew up in as a young boy. Returning after a long time away in the big city of London, the couple find themselves becoming deeply embedded in the small dramas and melancholic lives of the people surrounding them, navigating their way through generations of ritual, work, trauma and longing. Taking place over a year, the changing seasons dictate the mood and rhythm of the experiences being lived out around them before a moment of tragedy forces them to reflect on their place within this very specific community. Based on a popular Irish novel by John McGahern, this sensitive film is an excellent window into rural life and the history of Irish tradition.
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A young Irish immigrant starts an exciting new life in 1950s Brooklyn, but soon finds the past catching up with her.
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Oscar-nominated hand-drawn animation about a boy living in medieval Ireland who is recruited to complete a series of perilous, magical tasks.
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Drama following the hunger strike of Provisional IRA members, centring on Bobby Sands. A tense and relentless meditation on brutality.
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Tradition causes trouble in a family when a young Maori girl wants to take up what she believes is her rightful place at the head of her tribe.
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