Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
65 minutes
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Comedy duo Laurel and Hardy travel to the Wild West where they run into a cunning bar owner, and soon everything starts to go wrong - which exactly what you want to happen in a comedy. Want to see a man actually being forced to eat his hat? The weighty Olly doing a spot of dancing (surprising well)? Someone using his thumb as lighter? It's all here, and more, in this hilarious Hollywood classic.
The musical story of a gun-toting tomboy Calamity Jane in the male-dominated Wild West and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok.
Death-defying stunts are at the center of this classic silent comedy about a civil-war era train driver out to reclaim his beloved stolen locomotive.
The classic comedy duo here have help getting into trouble from their long-lost sailor twins, who arrive on shore leave.
Often regarded as Laurel and Hardy's best film, here the hapless pair sneak away from their wives for an annual get-together with pals.
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