Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
93 minutes
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Forgetful inventor Phillip Brainard accidentally creates "flying rubber" in his lab, misses his wedding date repeatedly - and is menaced by bungling goons hired by a jealous rival out to steal both his lady and his "flubber". An energetic makeover of 1961's The Absent Minded Professor with endlessly inventive digital effects and a larger than life performance from star Robin Williams.
This film has a couple of uses of mild bad language and contains mild slapstick violence.
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Goofy comedy take on Jekyll and Hyde starring clown prince Jerry Lewis as Julius Kelp, an oddball science teacher who invents a magic potion...
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Flint Lockwood is an inventor who creates a machine that can turn water into food but something goes wrong and the machine ends up in the sky.
The original story of the bumbling professor who learns how to create "flying rubber" and the inspiration for Flubber.
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