Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
125 minutes
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A small Mexican village is being reduced to poverty by a ruthless gang of bandits - so they piece together all the money they have left to hire American gunfighters to protect them. At the start the Americans are driven by greed, but soon a rough kind of friendship develops between them and the peasants. But a final huge shootout with the bad guys is on the horizon, and getting closer all the time. The Magnificent Seven is an endlessly enjoyable western that made stars of Steve McQueen and Charles Bronson, and features one of the best movie theme tunes ever.
This film has a couple of uses of mild bad language.
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One of the best-loved westerns of all time, about a farmer whose livelihood is threatened by a local cattle baron who is after his land.
A bleak but brilliant Wild West drama starring Clint Eastwood as a retired gunslinger who's forced to strap on the six-shooters again.
A story about the forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years.
Classic comedy western following gang leaders Butch and Sundance as they evade the law on their escape to Bolivia.
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