iPad filmmaking guide

iPad filmmaking
iPad filmmaking


All ages


Long (12 plus activities)


England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

iPads are a great tool for filmmaking because they can provide instant results without the requirement for lots of expensive equipment. Most young people, familiar with touch screen devices, will need little or no instruction on how to capture footage with an iPad. This guide, however, will help you take young people's filmmaking to the next level and help to make it more cinematic.

This resource is designed for teachers and educators to firstly develop their skills and confidence in iPad filmmaking and then to be able to facilitate sessions for young people, working through the five stages of production to develop, write, shoot and edit their own short films. The content is mainly focused on live action filmmaking but there are additional chapters with top tips for making animations and documentaries with an iPad. 

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What our educators say

"As an alternative provision for learners who are not in mainstream school we use your resources in a slightly different way as they generally find it hard to watch a full length film. They are, however fantastic. "