Raising Literacy Through Archive

Raising Literacy Through Scotland’s Film Archive encourages learners to e
Raising Literacy Through Scotland’s Film Archive encourages learners to e




Long (12 plus activities)

Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive

**Please note: some links in this resource are currently dead; we are actively working to resolve this issue and thank you for your patience.**

This resource has been produced in partnership with National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive, Queen Margaret University and supported with funding from Screen Scotland.  

Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive encourages learners to explore and discover the history, heritage, and stories of Scotland at a national, regional, and local level.    

Activities are based on the 75-minute film, From Scotland With Love. This feature film is made entirely of archive footage from Scotland's past. It explores issues of identity, heritage, culture, history and storytelling through archive footage and original music. 

Each set of activities will support progression to a final filmmaking task where learners will have the opportunity to remix archive clips to produce their own films. Educators will become more confident in using film creatively as part of their teaching practice, as well as enabling learners to use film as an expressive medium and to creatively represent their communities. 

This resource includes the Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive Teachers notes, PowerPoint presentation with embedded archive film content to be used with learners in the classroom, as well as pupil worksheets and a Curriculum Links guide. 

Chaidh an goireas seo a dhèanamh an com-pàirteachas le Tasglann Ìomhaighean Gluasadach Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Oilthigh na Bànrighinn Mairead agus le taic mhaoineachaidh Sgrìn Alba. 

Tha Brosnachadh Litearrachd tro Thasglann Film na h-Alba a' brosnachadh luchd-ionnsachaidh gus an cuir iad eòlas air eachdraidh, dualchas is sgeulachdan na h-Alba aig ìrean nàiseanta, sgìreil is ionadail. 

Tha gnìomhan stèidhichte air an fhilm, From Scotland With Love, a mhaireas 75 mionaidean. Tha am film seo air a dhèanamh le film tasglainn eachdraidheil a-mhàin. Tha e a' taisbeanadh fèin-aithne, dualchas, cultar, eachdraidh is sgeulachdan na h-Alba tro fhilm tasglainn agus ceòl ùr. 

Cumaidh gach sreath ghnìomhan taic ri adhartas tro ghnìomh film deireannach anns am bi cothrom aig luchd-ionnsachaidh earrannan tasglainn ath-mheasgachadh airson na filmichean aca fhèin a thoirt gu buil. Tha an goireas a' toirt misneachd do luchd-teagaisg gus an cleachd iad film ann an dòigh chruthachail nan cuid teagaisg agus a' leigeil le luchd-ionnsachaidh film a chur gu feum mar mheadhan brìoghmhor airson an cuid choimhearsnachdan a riochdachadh.  

Tha an taisbeanadh PowerPoint Brosnachadh Litearrachd Tro Thasglann Film na h-Alba ri fhaighinn an cois a' ghoireis seo cuide ri susbaint cheangailte film tasglainn a tha ri chleachdadh cuide ri luchd-ionnsachaidh san t-seòmar-theagaisg, cho math ri duilleagan-obrach do sgoilearan agus Ceanglaichean Curraicealaim.  

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Art and Design
  • Careers
  • Citizenship
  • Film Studies
  • History
  • Local History
  • Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
  • Literacy

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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