Into Film Cymru & Eisteddfod T

Eisteddfod t #2
Eisteddfod t #2


All ages

Mae Eisteddfod T yn ôl yn 2021 ac yn parhau i roi'r cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc i gystadlu am ddim o'u cartrefi. Gyda dewis o dros 100 o gystadlaethau, mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb; o ganu i gyfansoddi; o ddawnsio yn yr ardd i greu ffilm neu diwtorial harddwch!

Mae Into Film Cymru yn falch iawn i gefnogi Eisteddfod T unwaith eto. Ar y dudalen yma, rydym wedi pecynnu adnoddau addas ar gyfer eich helpu chi a'ch myfyrwyr i gystadlu yn y cystadlaethau ffilm a noder isod. Ydych chi'n nabod gyw-gyfarwyddwr ffilm neu rhywun sy'n mwynhau adolygu ffilmiau a chyfresi ar Netflix? Beth am gystadlu yn y cystadlaethau canlynol: 

Trêl Ffilm (67)
Creu hysbyseb ffilm yn eich cartref dim mwy na 2 funud o hyd. Gallwch greu trêl ar gyfer ffilm sy'n bodoli'n barod, neu ar gyfer unrhyw syniad gwreiddiol.

Creu Ffilm fer (82)
Creu ffilm fer wreiddiol dim mwy na 2 funud

Ysgrifennu Adolygiad Bl.6 ac iau (97)
Hunan-ddewisiad: Ysgrifennu adolygiad o unrhyw brofiad, gan gynnwys ffilm, darn o theatr, rhaglen deledu, gêm chwaraeon, pryd o fwyd neu unrhyw brofiad arall, dim hirach nac un ochr A4

Ysgrifennu Adolygiad Bl.7 a dan 19 oed. (98)
Hunan-ddewisiad: Ysgrifennu adolygiad o unrhyw beth, gan gynnwys ffilm, darn o theatr, rhaglen deledu, gêm chwaraeon, pryd o fwyd neu unrhyw brofiad arall, dim hirach nac un ochr A4

Mae'r holl gystadlaethau ar gael yma: Ewch i waelod dudalen am adnoddau i helpu'ch myfyrwyr gystadlu yn y cystadlaethau uchod

Am syniadau ar sut i fynd ati i greu ffilm ac i animeiddio, dilynnwch y ddolen yma i wylio rhai clipiau gall fod o help i chi. 

Eisteddfod T is back and provides opportunities for children and young people to take part in a virtual, fun-filled Eisteddfod competitions (mostly through the medium of Welsh) from the comfort of their homes.  We've collected some handy resources to help students take part in the film-related competitions listed below and Into Film Cymru is proud to support Eisteddfod T 2021.

Consider yourself a future film director or a film critic  - then find out more below

Movie Trailer (comp.67)
Create a movie ad in your home no more than 2 minutes long. You can create a trailer for an existing movie, or for any original idea.

Making a Short Film (comp. 82)
Create an original short film no longer than 2 minutes

Writing a Review Year 6 and under (comp. 97)
Self Choice: Write a review of any experience, including a film, a piece of theatre, a television program, a sports game, a meal, or any other experience, no longer than one side A4

Write a Year 7 and under 19 Review (comp.98)
Self-selection: Write a review of anything, including a movie, a piece of theater, a television program, a sports game, a meal or any other experience, no longer than one side of A4

 All of the copmetitions can be found here, please find the resources to use on the above competitions, on this page. 


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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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"The Filmmaking Guides have been invaluable in helping novice filmmakers, from ensuring their story is well told, to thinking about light, camera angles and editing."