Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
92 minutes
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This frothy comedy stars Reese Witherspoon as the irrepressible Elle Woods, who initially appears to be a stereotypical Californian 'airhead' but soon shows those around her that she is anything but dumb. After being unceremoniously dumped by her Harvard Law School-bound boyfriend for not being 'serious' enough for him, she decides the only way to get him back is to follow him into college. She applies and is miraculously accepted but, once there, has to battle against the snobbish prejudices of both her fellow students and lecturers to win the day.
Comedy-musical starring screen legend Marilyn Monroe as a blonde engaged to a millionaire who can't resist flirting with another on a cruise.
Melanie Griffith stars as an ambitious secretary who starts a new job working for a nightmare boss and falls for an executive.
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Jane Austen's comedy of manners Emma gets a valley girl update as Alicia Silverstone's so-not-an-airhead struggles with love and life.
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