Tan ar y Comin

Tan ar y Comin
Tan ar y Comin

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120 minutes






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Based on the novel by T. Llew Jones, Tan ar y Comin is the story of Tim Boswel, a young gypsy who lives an idyllic life travelling around Wales with his grandfather. When Tim’s grandfather dies, however, his life is turned upside down and his very identity is called into question. After finding work as a servant in a local farm, Tim discovers his ancestry is rather more grand than he’d first assumed – but will this be to his advantage? This Welsh-language film looks at the differences between classes within society while promoting acceptance across the divides. Mae Tan ar y Comin yn seiliedig ar nofel T Llew Jones ac yn dilyn stori Tim Boswel, sipsi ifanc sy’n byw’r bywyd delfrydol yn teithio o amgylch Cymru gyda’i dad-cu. Yna, yn sydyn, mae ei dad-cu’n marw ac mae sefyllfa Tim yn newid dros nos. Mae’n mynd i weithio fel gwas ffarm, ac yno y mae’n dysgu am ei wreiddiau crand a chyfoethog, ond tybed os yw hyn o fantais iddo yn y pen draw? Y mae’r ffilm Gymraeg hon yn edrych ar y gwahaniaeth rhwng dosbarthiadau cymdeithasol ac yn hyrwyddo’r syniad o dderbyn gwahanol ddiwylliannau a phobl o bob tras.

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12 Classification

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