Unchosen Short Films: Human Trafficking 11+

Unchosen Short Films: Human Trafficking  11+
Unchosen Short Films: Human Trafficking  11+

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34 minutes


Drama, Short Films




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Human trafficking and modern day slavery are serious crimes that still take place across the UK, but despite the suffering of victims, public understanding around this issue remains limited. In partnership with the anti-trafficking charity Unchosen, Into Film has curated a selection of short films to raise awareness about these difficult issues among young people. Based on real case studies, these films depict the struggles faced by three young people trafficked to the UK and forced to work. The collection includes winners of Unchosen’s short filmmaking competition as well as two films made by young filmmakers. Whilst the issues raised by the films are clearly challenging they also provide a great stimulus for engaging discussion and inspiration to tackle these important social issues.

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This film programme has not been classified by the BBFC. Into Film suggest the films are engaging for ages 11+. Please note the films deal with difficult issues about Human Trafficking.

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