Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
93 minutes
Comedy, Drama, Period and Historical, Romance
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Scheming, selfish and recently widowed Lady Susan is in need of a new husband. Taking refuge in the countryside estate of her in-laws Lady Catherine and Charles Vernon she sets her eyes on Catherine’s dashing brother Reginald DeCourcy. Yet the sudden arrival of her daughter Frederica, contrastingly modest and timid, interferes with her plan. Determined to get Frederica out of the way by marrying her off to a buffoon called Sir James Martin, Lady Susan and her despicable confidante Alicia’s devious plans are put to the test in this brilliantly sharp parody of 19th century societal conventions. This is a sparkling, witty introduction to the daringly irreverent language and tone Jane Austen honed in her later novels, lovingly brought to life by a director adept at the acerbic comedy of manners.
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Jane Austen's comedy of manners Emma gets a valley girl update as Alicia Silverstone's so-not-an-airhead struggles with love and life.
Adaptation of Jane Austen's classic story of five sisters from an English family of landed gentry dealing with marriage, morality and misconceptions.
Spoilt Emma Woodhouse attempts to improve the lives and loves of her friends in this smart version of Jane Austen's novel.
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