Miss Juneteenth

Miss Juneteenth
Miss Juneteenth

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99 minutes






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Single mother Turquoise works long hours in a bar located in a small Texas town. There she is known by some for her former win at ‘Miss Juneteenth’, a beauty pageant which offers full scholarships to coincide with Juneteenth, a holiday that celebrates the emancipation of those enslaved in United States. Turquoise hopes for a better life for her teenage daughter Kai and begins to prepare her for the contest and the possibility of receiving a good education. However, Kai’s aspirations are different and, like many young people, she is preoccupied with growing up and her first romance. With their wishes conflicting, and Kai’s father attempting to win her mother back, the two must confront some difficult conversations, including Turquoise’s past. This tender drama discusses the pressures placed on women, particularly those from low income households, gently exploring the difficulty of growing pains and living up to societal expectations.

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15 Classification

strong language

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