Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
83 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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A man goes to the seaside on holiday - that's the basic plot of this comedy, but from that simple idea, this hugely inventive almost-wordless film spins out dozens of elaborate visual jokes. No-one with a sense of humour would be able to keep a straight face as Hulot tries to paint a kayak that keeps drifting out to sea, winds up right in the middle of a funeral with his flat car tyre mistaken for a wreath, and sets off a shed full of fireworks with his pipe.
Fondly remembered musical starring Cliff Richards and Lauri Peters, chronicling Cliff's madcap scheme to a take a London bus on a tour of Europe.
Comedy from French film director Jacques Tati, about a man who is baffled by his sister's state-of-the-art home, and mourns the loss of tradition.
The harsh sterility of modern Paris is lampooned as Monsieur Hulot becomes lost with American tourists in a glass and steel maze.
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