Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
103 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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Jacques Tati was France's answer to Buster Keaton, or Charlie Chaplin. His films were made in the era of sound, but the sight gag still rules. In this Oscar-winning comedy, he plays the hapless Monsier Hulot, who visits his sister and is baffled by her state-of-the-art home - he soon comes to resent society's technological advances. Hulot spends time with his nephew in a bid to preserve the traditional culture he believes is slipping away...
The harsh sterility of modern Paris is lampooned as Monsieur Hulot becomes lost with American tourists in a glass and steel maze.
Inventive French comedy about a man who goes on holiday to the seaside, where everything goes wrong.
Life in a slow, quiet French village is just fine for Francois the postman, until his insight into the rapid US post leads him to update his delivery.
Grandma Souza goes hot on the heels of malevolent mafiosos after they steal her Tour de France-riding grandson.
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