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112 minutes
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Celebrated actor Al Pacino here tries to find a new way of looking at Shakespeare. The film features extracts from rehearsals and performances of Richard III, a historical tale of corruption and revenge, which is the most-produced of Shakespeare's plays. But this is also a documentary about Shakespeare and his work, his place in history, and how his topics remain relevant today. Pacino interviews a number of well-known actors, including Kenneth Branagh, Kevin Spacey and John Gielgud, to explain their attraction to Shakespeare and how they approach the material, in a film that breathes new life into a familiar subject.
This film has a couple of uses of moderate bad language.
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Daring, powerful adaptation of the classic Shakespeare play, which restyles the vicious king into a 1930s fascist dictator.
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Romantic comedy about a young woman who disguises herself as a boy and auditions for William Shakespeare, because girls were not allowed on stage.
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Loud and colourful adaptation of Shakespeare's classic play about two star-crossed lovers from bitterly feuding families.
Comedy-drama based on the early career of legendary director Orson Welles and his production of Julius Caesar.
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