How do Into Film Clubs work?
Find out more about what's involved in running your very own Into Film Club.
Medium (5-11 activities)
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
As part of the Into Film Clubs experience, members are encouraged to voice their opinions in discussion, create reviews and publish their responses on the Into Film website. This resource is designed to introduce club members to the art of reviewing and develop their critical thinking and literacy skills. It offers flexible approaches to reviewing films and is designed for both film club sessions and classroom use. It will work with any film and can be easily adapted to suit your group and available time.
I ychwchanegu at brofiad o wylio ffilm yn eich Clwb Ffilm Into Film, ewch ati i annog eich aelodau i leisio'u barn mewn trafodaethau, creu adolygiadau a'u cyhoeddi nhw ar wefan Into Film. Bwriad yr adnodd yma yw cyflwyno'r grefft o adolygu a datblygu eu sgiliau o feddwl yn feirniadol a llythrennedd. Mae'n cynnig dulliau hyblyg o adolygu ffilmiau ac wedi'i gynllunio i'w ddefnyddio mewn clwb ffilm neu yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Mae'n bosib ei addasu ar gyfer unrhyw ffilm a'r amser sydd gennych i'w redeg.
We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.