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Medium (5-11 activities)
St. David's Day
1 March
This resource is for use with young people aged 7+, to support the Welsh Government's Year of Legends celebrations. These are aimed at celebrating everything legendary about Wales; from its magical myths, beautiful scenery to its wealth of talent.
The clips and activities can be used as stimulus for discussions linked to Welsh literature and landscape, will inspire young people share their own stories about Welsh history and culture on film.
This resource has a variety of pathways so that it can be used to deliver an assembly, in tutor time, as part of a lesson and in a film club session.
Dylai'r adnodd yma gael ei ddefnyddio gyda phobl ifanc o saith oed ac hy?n, er mwyn cefnogi dathliadau Blwyddyn y Chwedlau Llywodraeth Cymru. Anelir y rhain at ddathlu popeth chwedlonol am Gymru; o'i chwedlau hudol, ei golygfeydd swyngyfareddol a'i chyfoeth o dalent.
Gellir defnyddio'r clipiau a'r gweithgareddau i ysgogi trafodaethau sydd yn gysylltiedig a? llenyddiaeth a thirwedd Cymru, fydd yn ysbrydoli pobl ifanc i rannu eu storiau eu hunain am hanes a diwylliant Cymru ar ffilm.
Ceir amrywiaeth o lwybrau i'r adnodd hwn er mwyn iddo allu cael ei ddefnyddio i gynnal gwasanaeth, yn ystod adeg tiwtora, fel rhan o wers a mewn sesiwn clwb ffilm.
We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.