Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
115 minutes
German (English subtitles)
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21-year-old German student Sophie Scholl was a leading member of the "White Rose" - a group of young people who offered resistance to the Nazi regime from within Germany itself, distributing leaflets among the public calling for the overthrow of Hitler during World War Two. Finally, in 1943, Sophie was arrested - but even while under interrogation with the shadow of her certain execution ahead, Sophie stood firm in her beliefs and refused to incriminate her fellow White Rose members. A moving and powerful film based on the trial records, and featuring dialogue taken from Sophie Scholl's own words.
This film has a couple of uses of mild bad language and contains mild violence.
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In an attempt to instruct his students about the dangers of fascism and autocracy, a German high-school teacher stages a bold experiment.
Highly-acclaimed Oscar-winning drama about corruption and surveillance in Communist East Germany.
A young writer in New York gets drawn into an intense friendship with a fragile, haunted Polish war survivor and her volatile lover.
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