Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
128 minutes
Period and Historical
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Is it OK to have a central character who never seizes control of his own life? That is the challenge that The Remains of the Day sets itself. The film traces the life of Stevens - a butler who lets both the great events of history and his own chances of personal happiness drift past him, because he knows his place: his role in society. But maybe it is only by understanding that there really were (and are) people like Stevens that we really understand history - and maybe that's the most important message of this subtle, moving drama.
Spoilt Emma Woodhouse attempts to improve the lives and loves of her friends in this smart version of Jane Austen's novel.
Entirely sung dialogue characterises this tragic romance, as a young Genevieve falls for Guy, but his deployment to Algeria interrupts the affair.
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In Nazi-occupied Morocco, an American expatriate is reacquainted with his former lover, plus her husband, as they seek safe passage to the US.
A splendidly sinister and claustrophobic drama that turns the British class system upside down.
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