Elemental: Opposites React

Our new resource inspired by Universal and DreamWorks Animation Trolls Band
Our new resource inspired by Universal and DreamWorks Animation Trolls Band




Medium (5-11 activities)

Elemental: Opposites React, created in collaboration with Disney, is a curriculum-linked resource for KS1 & KS2 which draws on the characters and story of Disney and Pixar's Elemental, only in cinemas July 7.  

Elemental is a new, original feature film set in Element City, where fire, water, earth and air residents live together. The story introduces Ember, whose unlikely friendship with Wade challenges her beliefs about the world they live in, and how much they have in common. 

Our new learning sequence takes inspiration from the film to help teachers engage pupils aged 6-11 across science, PSHE and RSE. 

The resource includes: 

Elemental: Opposites React lesson plan 

Watch a clip from Elemental with your classto introduce the properties of the elements, represented by each of the characters. Pupils will learn about the interactions of elements with everyday materials whilst exploring scientific language.  

Character Cards activity 

Pupils will use our fun character cards activity to reflect on the different states that the elements can take, and the reactions which can occur when combining them.  

Household Materials home learning sheet 

Ask your class to consider where the elements are present in and around their home, and how different materials help us to either make use of, or protect ourselves, from these elements.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • PSHE Education
  • Science

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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"Our SATs results this year were great, both progress and attainment in reading and writing have improved compared with last year, which we feel has been largely as a result of integrating the Into Film strategies."