Tangled and Fairy Tale Archetypes

Learner-facing presentation for the lesson thumbnail
Learner-facing presentation for the lesson thumbnail




Short (1-4 activities)

This lesson will encourage pupils to identify and consider character stereotypes and archetypes that are often present in traditional fairy tales.

Learners will be encouraged to take into consideration different features of characters' appearance, costume, personality and motivations and the meaning that these can each evoke. By playing with these aspects of character, pupils will create a new character that subverts the fairy tale archetypes.

They will then have the opportunity to discuss the effect that these ‘twisted' characters could have on a traditional fairy tale story.

As an optional extension pupils can plan and shoot a short sequence which introduces an audience to the world of their twisted fairy tale characters.

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This Resource Supports

  • Literacy
  • Film Literacy

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"All of the activities were enjoyed and engaged the children. As a teacher the resources and activities were easy to use and covered a lot of skills. It is a valuable and engaging way to teach and learn literacy. "