Communication Symbols for Film Reviewing

A set of Widgit Communication Symbols for use in an SEN/ASN setting. thumbn
A set of Widgit Communication Symbols for use in an SEN/ASN setting. thumbn


All ages


Short (1-4 activities)

Into Film are keen to help all young people express their opinions about the films they have watched. In this resource there are around 70 picture exchange communication symbols kindly donated to us by Widgit. These can be used to help your club members write their film reviews. The symbols were sourced to support activity happening as part of the SEN Inclusion Project funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, but are now available for use in all film clubs, classrooms and educational settings.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Literacy
  • Special Educational Needs

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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"I think that our work on ‘The Girl and the Fox’ has really benefitted our children. I would thoroughly recommend the Into Film approach to any school wanting to improve attainment in literacy."