Shakespeare on Screen


The plays of William Shakespeare were intended to be performed more than read. Since the earliest days of cinema, filmmakers have been adapting his works for the screen, often with tremendous success.

Whether doggedly faithful to the language and setting, or offering up something entirely new and radical, the range of films inspired and informed by the Bard is extraordinary. This list offers a selection of some of our favourites, all of which illuminate Shakespeare's words, themes and legacy in fresh, accessible ways for young people.

You can also check out our Shakespeare-themed podcast suitable for both primary and secondary clubs.

All of the films below are available to stream via Into Film+ but some of them (labelled) are only available to Into Film+ Premium users. Find out more here.

Gnomeo and Juliet
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group5–11

Duration84 mins

Gnomeo and Juliet(2011)

William Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet gets a truly bonkers reworking in this inventive and hugely entertaining CGI comedy.

Proving that even the youngest audiences can be introduced to Shakespeare, this colourful British animation is entirely populated by garden gnomes. While elements of the story are understandably diluted, this is a fun, musical treat, full of cheeky references for older audiences and remains the only film to feature lawnmower chases as well as a talking Shakespeare statue!

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The Lion King
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group5–14

Duration89 mins

The Lion King(1994)

Song-filled Disney classic about a lion cub who runs away from the pride allowing his evil uncle to become king.

Many people don’t know that Disney’s iconic animated epic is actually modelled on 'Hamlet'. While the dialogue is of course different, the film is nevertheless ideal for introducing young audiences to the themes of Shakespeare and demonstrating his impact across all storytelling.

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Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group11–14

Duration94 mins


Bill Shakespeare’s had a go at everything, but to the frustration of his wife Anne he hasn’t found a real job. Will he make his name in London?

This hilariously inventive comedy tells the story of the young Bill Shakespeare’s attempts to make a name for himself as a playwright in London, due to his chronic ability to find a “real job”. A rip-roaring, Python-esque adventure that takes in spies, lost loves and an attempt to blow up Queen Elizabeth I, while throwing in some real historical insight along the way.

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Romeo and Juliet
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group11+

Duration132 mins

Romeo and Juliet(1968)

Zeffirelli's 1968 version of Shakespeare's tragic love story.

For many, the Zeffirelli version of perhaps Shakespeare’s best-known story remains definitive. Beautifully shot in sun-kissed Italy, this is a sensuous version of the play that had as much of an impact on 1960s audiences as the Baz Luhrmann version did 30 years later, not least for its controversial decision to cast actual teenagers in the title roles.

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The Tempest
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group11–16

Duration106 mins

The Tempest(2010)

An intriguing adaptation of Shakespeare's final and most mystical play.

This bold telling of the maritime drama from theatrical director Julie Taymor will not be to everyone’s tastes, but is daring enough to guarantee an audience reaction of some sort. Visually stunning, the film also takes a very fluid approach to the gender roles of the original play eliciting strong debate alongside the ambition, razzmatazz and playful humour.

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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group11+

Duration116 mins

A Midsummer Night's Dream(1999)

All-star version of Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy about a series of magical misunderstandings and events in the woods.

The exceptionally idyllic 19th century Tuscan setting and swooping Italian operatic music bring an indulgently dreamy quality to this film adaptation of the Bard’s whimsical tale of entangled love and hapless magical beings. The play’s light-hearted and playful tone translate to the screen through charming performances and simple special effects.

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10 Things I Hate About You
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group11+

Duration94 mins

10 Things I Hate About You(1999)

Inventive 90s comedy, in which Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew is relocated to a modern American high school setting.

The late 1990s saw a wave of Shakespeare’s plays retold in modern American high-schools. This adaptation of 'The Taming of the Shrew' was one of the wittiest, cleverly tapping into and reassessing the original play’s often problematic attitude towards gender, whilst retaining an acute insight into the various anxieties and complexities associated with modern adolescence.

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Romeo + Juliet
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group11+

Duration115 mins

Romeo + Juliet(1996)

Loud and colourful adaptation of Shakespeare's classic play about two star-crossed lovers from bitterly feuding families.

Baz Luhrmann’s interpretation of the star-crossed lovers’ story breathed new life into the idea of what a Shakespeare adaptation could be. With young Hollywood stars in the lead roles, it retained the original dialogue but modernised the setting and featured an acclaimed pop soundtrack.

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Henry V
Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group14+

Duration132 mins

Henry V(1989)

Energetic adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, where the young King Henry embarks on the conquest of France.

Playing the title role, Kenneth Branagh made his directorial debut in this stirring, all-star interpretation of Shakespeare’s telling of the build-up to the Battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years’ War. Faithful to the text and setting, the film positioned Branagh as a master in bringing Shakespeare to a modern mass audience.

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Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group16+

Duration232 mins


After a Danish prince learns that his father was murdered by his scheming uncle who wanted the throne for himself, he resolves to exact revenge.

Family feuds, vengeance and the existential quandary whether “To be, or not to be” are reframed by a 19th century setting, but the dialogue in this version of 'Hamlet' is word-for-word the same as the original play, enabling students to appreciate the full structure of the script or analyse selected scenes in detail.

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Much Ado About Nothing
Available to stream on Into Film+


Age group14+

Duration104 mins

Much Ado About Nothing(2012)

A modern-dress adaptation of Shakespeare's play shot over 12 days in a Californian villa.

Joss Whedon swapped superheroes for Shakespeare in this low-budget black-and-white romantic comedy shot entirely in the director’s own house. Providing an intimacy not very often seen in Shakespeare on film, it feels incredibly contemporary despite retaining the original language, elevating what could have been a playful experiment into something wittier and more complex.

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Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group14+

Duration91 mins


Adaptation of Shakespeare’s play in which a prosperous general is sabotaged by his companion who grows jealous of his commander’s life.

This suitably unnerving rendition of 'Othello' employs a range of theatrical and camera techniques, including a character breaking the fourth wall, to immerse the audience into the psychological drama. A powerful film adaptation that offers opportunities to explore topics including toxic relationships, racism and prejudice in the context of Shakespeare’s writing.

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Shakespeare In Love
Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group14+

Duration123 mins

Shakespeare In Love(1998)

Romantic comedy about a young woman who disguises herself as a boy and auditions for William Shakespeare, because girls were not allowed on stage.

Not an adaptation of Shakespeare’s work but instead a film about the time in which the enigmatic character purportedly lived, this romantic comedy follows a female actor who is so determined to appear in one of his plays that she, like many of the Bard’s characters, dresses up as a man in order that she may audition for the great playwright.

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Available to stream on Into Film+ Premium


Age group14+

Duration108 mins


Gritty and dark adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy about a man consumed by ambition and desire for the throne.

Gritty, earthy and intense, this version of the Scottish play is not for the faint-hearted. With savage battle scenes and a chilling, blood-soaked atmosphere throughout, it is an often uncomfortable experience. But it also succeeds in being fresh and innovative, as well as faithful to the text, boosted by extraordinary performances from its two leads.

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